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Max Polyakov has chosen a Kasli sculpture as the basis of the Noosphere logo

Updated: Sep 12, 2018

The history of Kasli art began in 1747 when the Kasli Iron Smelting factory was established in the South Ural town of Kasli. It became popular for its high quality iron at first. The Kasli Iron Smelting factory has developed and grown as time moved on. In the middle of the 19th century, the factory became famous throughout the world because of its stunning cast-iron sculptures.

There are many admirers of Kasli art all around the world for its harmonious combination of amazing ideas, wonderful designs, and silhouette accuracy. Max Polyakov, co-founder of Association Noosphere, is one of them. Kasli cast-iron sculptures are characterized not only for the high level of execution, but the diversity of them they made as well. They include the statuettes of Mephistopheles and the tin soldier, the cat fisher and she-bear, elephant and monkey, and many others.

Co-founder of Association Noosphere, Max Polyakov, has put together a large collection of more than one hundred Kasli sculptures. Undoubtedly, all of the pieces of his collection are impressive, but the “Young Dreamer” statuette has amazed the Noosphere co-founder the most. At first glance, the statuette is not that significant. However, Max Polyakov believes that “Young Dreamer” will inspire a whole generation of young scientists and inventors to conquer new peaks and become a symbol of a new era. You can find additional information in the article Max Polyakov Relaunches Firefly with High Hopes to Bridge Gap between CubeSats and Space.

The “Young Dreamer” was made in 1961 and a sketch of the Young Dreamer was created by Kasli master Gennady Panov. After that, it was translated into reality by the сareful and great work of Kasli factory workers. The statuette was also named "a Boy with a Toy Space Rocket". Years later, a Young Dreamer was adapted into the Association Noosphere logo.

It is no coincidence that “Young Dreamer” has become a symbol of Association Noosphere. This tiny sculpture has a very deep significance which embodies the major ideas of Association Noosphere emphasized by co-founder Max Polyakov. He thinks that every piece of the “Young Dreamer” has its unique meaning that greatly accompanies Noosphere's philosophy. The boy represents the young generation which discovers and creates the future of mankind. The earth is the foundation for humanity. The rocket is a symbol of the technology that opens up new horizons.

Given that Kasli castings are still made according to old techniques, Max Polyakov and Noosphere ordered similar sculptures of “Young Dreamer” to use as honorary awards for noosthinkers.

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